Gianluca Frongia

Game Dev Journey

Follow me on my journey of becoming a Game Designer / Developer.

On the future I'll start posting my experience of learning Game Design and Game Development. I see that as a good way of keeping me out of procrastinating 🙃. In the chapters below I explain how I plan to do it.

Game Design

Here is how my path will look like for Game Design:

  • Reading books!
  • Writing and reflecting

I'll start with the book Game Design Workshop by Tracy Fullerton. In this book I'll learn the fundamentals of game design. Each chapter in this book contain exercises and for each I'll try to create a blog post! The exercises involves a lot of reflecting about old video games, tabletop games and many more! It’s like a nostalgic trip to my childhood.

Game Development

Here comes the fun part ... programming!


Soo how do I start programming games? Finding a game engine. Easier said than done.


I've seen an image like this before 🤔🤔🤔


Oh boy


Wait but this time I did something different:

  • I haven’t read 100 of mediums post which one is better
  • I haven’t look up every subreddit
  • I haven’t watched dozens youtube videos

So what have you done?

Rolled a dice 🎲 and the dice choose Godot.

Actually, I'm proud of dice. The features that Godot provides are perfect for a newbie in game programming.

Some of the features that appealed to me:

  • Open Source!
  • Great Docs, really, they are well written
  • Suited for 2D- and 3D-Games
  • Multi-platform deploy

I don't know yet how I will adapt their own programming language GDScript coming for Javascript to a Python like language. But sounds interesting!

So how will you blog post about programming?

By creating a game ofc. I'll apply the knowledge learned from the Game Design Workshop Book into making a game. I don't yet how exactly the posts will look like, but they tuned!


The Game Design / Development path brings a new fresh air and I want to share it with your by creating posts!

Gianluca Frongia © 2020